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About Me

Why Four Eyes Designs?

I chose my shop name to represent my life and to prove that our only limitation lies within ourselves.

You see, I started off life at a grave disadvantage. Being born at a very premature 29 weeks back in 1972 was a near certainty of death. My mother's doctor advised her to say goodbye to me as I was rushed an hour away to the closest hospital able to care for me. I was not expected to survive. The next day my Dad came to see me for the very first time. My tiny hand from a wee 2 lb. body reached up to grab his finger as he poked it through the incubator hole. At that moment they knew I was a fighter.

Being in an incubator for almost two months and being exposed to high levels of oxygen left me legally blind. Beyond that I was perfectly healthy.

I was never treated differently than any other kid. I attended public school just like my friends. I played ball and had a normal childhood. I give my parents all of the credit for not setting limits for me (and my friends for not laughing at me whenever I got hit in the face trying to catch a ball!). Today as a grown woman with children of my own, I am able to do more than anyone had ever imagined I could. And I haven't stopped dreaming.

I have a passion for scrapbooking, card making and writing. I refuse to let my eyesight be a hindrance to my dreams. With Four Eyes Designs I am living my dream one day at a time.

Thank you for supporting me. :o)

Penny Brellenthin

Four Eyes Designs


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